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The San Gabriel Basin Groundwater Quality Management and Remediation Plan “§406 Plan”

Section 406 of WQA’s enabling act requires the WQA to develop and adopt a basinwide groundwater quality management and remediation plan. The plan includes a characterization of the contamination, a comprehensive cleanup plan, a summary of financing available, a description of public outreach efforts and a discussion about the authorities of other agencies the WQA interacts with to facilitate the basin cleanup effort. Each year staff updates the §406 Plan and posts the final plan after the Board adopts it.

On January 22, 2025 the San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority’s (WQA) Board of Directors approved the opening of a 27-day public comment period to receive comments on its amended San Gabriel Basin Groundwater Quality Management Plan. This plan describes general goals and specific remedial standards, principals and activities that WQA intends to adopt as its plan for addressing the cleanup of the San Gabriel Groundwater Basin. The draft plan is available for review at

Comments may be presented to WQA at any time during the public review period. Written comments can be mailed, faxed or emailed to the addresses listed below and must be received on or before February 18, 2025 by 5:00 P.M.

If you wish to receive a copy of the plan after its adoption, please contact Stephanie Moreno at the phone number or email address listed below. The plan will be available in a print copy, or an electronic .pdf file. Please specify which format you prefer.

For questions or to submit comments please contact:

Stephanie Moreno
San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority
1720 W. Cameron Ave., Suite 100
West Covina, CA 91790
(626) 338-5555
(626) 338-5775 – FAX

San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority

San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority
1720 W. Cameron Ave., Suite 100
West Covina, CA 91790

Office: (626) 338−5555
Fax: (626) 338−5775


Legal Documents

San Gabriel Basin Water Quality Authority